Bowen + Laney Formals | Northern Utah Wedding Photographer
We shot Bowen + Laney’s formals at the beautiful Antelope Island. It was really important to them that their location and pictures not look like everyone else’s, so we make certain to go to unique spots and take pictures of diverse backgrounds to deliver a well-rounded shoot that definitely didn’t match the other shoots we’ve done there before!
We had such a fun adventure showcasing their bold personalities. These two got engaged in an incredible way! Laney said that she had a few rules for how the proposal went down: she didn’t want anything cliché, so just something unique that she wasn’t expecting, and she did really want to be surprised! Bowen planned a perfect 3 am proposal, in the middle of the night, making her think she was getting pulled over. He had some friends block off the crosswalk so she was stuck in the middle of nowhere, and then he ran out into the road and proposed to her! Since there was hardly anyone around, it was a beautiful moment for them, and perfectly unique.