Everett Fresh 48 | Logan, Utah Birth Photographer
I met Everett’s mama Emily a while back through mutual friends because we both own small businesses in Logan, Utah and hang in the same circles. When Mila was born, I actually ordered one of her handcrafted wood signs to hang in Mila’s room and she was incredible to work with. I was so impressed with how much she catered to every detail and request I had, and the end result was beautiful.
We have a shared interest in loving to listen to true crime podcasts. Our brains are warped the same way! Our best recommendation is My Favorite Murder. She has two cute boys now, Sawyer and his new brother Everett. I shot Everett’s Fresh 48 photos in the Logan Regional Hospital and it was so adorable to see Everett get introduced to his big brother. Sawyer was so proud and eager to shower him with gifts!